Programme for 2022-23
Multispecies reading group
Reading groups are online on Thursdays, 15.30:16.30 UK time
Specific chapters and Zoom link will be shared in advance.
Email e.tabak /at/ for details or with questions.

October 13th: introduction
- Ogden, Hall and Tanita’s ‘Animals, Plants, People, and Things: A Review of Multispecies Ethnography’ (2013)
- Kirksey and Helmreich’s ‘The Emergence of Multispecies Ethnography’ (2010)
- van Dooren, Kirksey and Münster’s ‘Multispecies Studies: Cultivating Arts of Attentiveness’ (2016)
December 8th: ethnographies
- Kirksey, Schuetze and Helmrich’s ‘Introduction: Tactics of Multispecies Ethnography’ in The Multispecies Salon (2014)
- Lowe’s ‘Viral Clouds: becoming H5N1 in Indonesia’ (2010)
- Tsing’s ‘Unruly Edges: Mushrooms as Companion Species’ (2012)
February 16th: histories
- Demuth’s Floating Coast: An Environmental History of the Bering Strait (2019)
- Fernando’s ‘Seeing Like the Sea: A Multispecies History of the Ceylon Pearl Fishery 1800–1925’ (2021)
- O’Gorman’s Wetlands in a Dry Land More-Than-Human Histories of Australia’s Murray-Darling Basin (2021)
April 20th: justice
- Woelfle-Erskine’s Underflows: Queer Trans Ecologies and River Justice (2022)
- ed. by Chao, Bolender and Kirksey, The Promise of Multispecies Justice (2022)
- Tallbear and Willey’s ‘Critical Relationality: Queer, Indigenous, and Multispecies Belonging Beyond Settler Sex & Nature’ (2019)
June 8th: storytelling
- Rose’s ‘Multispecies knots of ethical time’ (2012)
- van Dooren’s ‘Story(telling)’ (2020)
- Tsing, Deger, Keleman Saxena and Zhou’s
- The Feral Atlas: The More-Than-Human Anthropocene (2020)
Programme for 2021-22
For location and further details email Eline Tabak.
Environmental Humanities PGR Reading Group, discussing Anna L. Tsing’s The Mushroom at the End of the World: On the Possibility of Life in Capitalist Ruins (2015). Friday 12 November, 1pm. Blended.
Environmental Humanities PGR Reading Group, discussing Rob Nixon’s Slow Violence and the Environmentalism of the Poor (2011). Friday 10 December, 1pm. Blended.
Environmental Humanities PGR Reading Group, discussing William Cronon’s ‘The Trouble with Wilderness; or, Getting Back to the Wrong Nature’ (1995). Friday 21 January, 1pm. Blended.
Environmental Humanities PGR Reading Group, discussing Dipesh Chakrabarty’s The Climate of History: Four Theses (2009). Friday 11 February, 1pm. Blended.
Environmental Humanities PGR Reading Group, discussing Robin Wall Kimmerer’s Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, and the Teachings of Plants (2013). Friday 11 March, 1pm. Blended.
Environmental Humanities PGR Reading Group, discussing Astrida Neimanis’ ‘No Representation without Colonisation? (Or, Nature Represents Itself)’ (2015) & Eve Tuck and K. Wayne Yang’s ‘Decolonization is not a metaphor’ (2012). Friday 1 April, 1pm. Blended.
Environmental Humanities PGR Reading Group, discussing The introduction to The Multispecies Salon (2014) & Thom van Dooren, Eben Kirksey & Ursula Münster’s ‘Multispecies Studies: Cultivating Arts of Attentiveness’ (2016). Friday 13 May, 1pm. Blended.